Ethics code: IR.NKHUMS.1398.001
Sajjadpour S H, HeydariNasab L, Shairi M, Gholami Fesharaki M. Comparison of Dissociative Experiences and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Between Suicide Ideators and Suicide Attempters. North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences 2020; 12 (2) :57-63
1- PhD of Clinical Psychology, Shahed University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, Shahed University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran ,
3- Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, Shahed University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
4- Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (2805 Views)
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the Dissociative Experiences and a six-dimensional conceptualization of emotion dysregulation between people who have suicide ideation and suicide attempt.
Methods: Participants were patients referred to Imam Hasan Hospital of North Khorasan with suicide Attempts, and to Psychiatric clinics in north Khorasan who had suicide ideation. In a comparative casual study, a total of 141 patients of young adults were considered. 76 of them who had suicidal ideation but no suicide attempts were compared with the rest (n = 65) who had at least one suicide attempt in the last week. They completed measures of Dissociative Experiences, emotion dysregulation and suicidal ideation.
Results: suicide Attempters reported significantly more Dissociative Experiences) P < 0.021( and difficulties with Impulse Control (P < 0.001) -which is one of the sixdimensional conceptualization of emotion dysregulation- than suicide ideators. Conclusions: Screening and identification of people who have significant dissociative experiences and difficulties with impulse control is essential due to a high risk of suicide attempt. Therefore, they should be given higher priority to receive medical treatments and Psychotherapy.
Type of Study:
Orginal Research |
Basic Sciences Received: 2019/07/7 | Accepted: 2020/05/6 | Published: 2020/10/1